Friday, February 14, 2020

National Security Safeguards and Countermeasures Techniques Final Essay

National Security Safeguards and Countermeasures Techniques Final - Essay Example That promotes higher levels of responsibility since the executive is aware of the close supervision. Every item that makes it to the budget undergoes great consideration to determine the effect it would have on the budget and the reaction of the legislature on such expenditure. A shortfall of the concept is that it allows little or no breathing time. The executive and legislature are continually involved in the budgeting process. That may limit the time available to analyze government activities. The basis for the development of safeguards and countermeasures is the concern over the increasing threat of terrorist attacks. There has been great development in nuclear weaponry necessitating greater efforts to boost countermeasures and safeguards. The aim is to ensure national security and safety. Countermeasures help detect and identify any material with the potential to be converted into weapons that can be used in terrorism. 3. In National Security Safeguards and Countermeasures Techniques, reciprocity is necessary as it allows for the sharing of classified information, facilities and services by the different security agencies. That helps manage costs of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

I Think, Therefore I am Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

I Think, Therefore I am - Essay Example This means that he is allowing credibility to only his consciousness and cognitive powers, and not to that of any other objective audience. Indeed his method leaves no room for the derivation of a third-person truth, which would require the acknowledgement of premises beyond the perceiving being's conscious self. Descartes arrives into this insight into the nature of existence after undergoing the three 'waves' of doubt. The first of these brings up the fact that knowledge based on sensory inputs has not always been shown up as reliable. The second is a doubt that all that we experience and feel, indeed, our very existence itself maybe only a dream, because a lot of our thoughts that take place while dreaming, are not in fact real, but they are very similar to our waking thoughts. The third, and the most diabolical one of them all, is that we may be the subject of deception by an evil demonic force that presents to us as irrefutable knowledge, that which is not true at all. The conclusion of "I think, Therefore I am", has been criticized on various grounds.